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Leisuwash S90 Touchless Car Wash Machine high intelligent high quality, with car wash + car care + drying process totally, each car wash takes time 1 minute to 5 minutes which depends on the car wash mode.
Leisuwash S90 car wash machine is an entry level car wash unit, but you won`t find any low grade components and no cost cutting on the expense of quality. Each Leisuwash S90 is built by Leisuwash employees in accordance with our usual quality standards, the low price is achieved by high standardization and the use of proven technology. The Leisuwash S90 is for clients that need a wash machine at a competitive price with higher ROI. Leisuwash S90 Vehicle Wash System Auto Car Wash Machine,Automatic Leisuwash S90 Series,Leisuwash S90 Series Car Wash Machine,Automatic Leisuwash S90 Series Car Wash Machine Hangzhou Leisu Cleaning Equipment Co.,Ltd , https://www.leisuwashtouchless.com
1, to prevent the pump inlet. Pump into the air, the amount of water will be significantly reduced. The sealing parts should always check and repair.
2, change the ring, adjust the axial gap. In use, should be properly adjusted according to factory instructions to prevent the impeller ring and axial clearance is not appropriate to ensure that the pump in low-power operation.
3, shorten the pipeline. According to the test, remove the 1-meter long pipe, 10 hours can save diesel 0.21 kg.
4, eliminate "anti-aircraft guns" like water outlet. This form of outlet to improve the head lift, increase energy consumption.
5, expand the water pipe diameter. If possible, if the 4-meter-long 4-inch water hose into a 6-inch tube, 10 hours can save diesel 0.5 kg.
6, promptly clear the runner blockage. A foreign body remaining in the inlet pipe, impeller or diversion channel, can reduce the amount of water.
First water pump ramp, reduce the elbow. Slant the water pump or volute steering, so that the water outlet is facing the pool.