If the copper broadband transmission speed and optical fiber quite, the bottleneck of fiber optic home is expected to be resolved.

Alcatel-Lucent, France, announced that its Bell Labs, a research and development arm in the United States, has achieved data transfer rates of 10 gigabits per second over traditional copper-core telephone lines. This technological breakthrough means copper broadband transmission speed comparable to optical fiber, is expected to solve the bottleneck faced by universal access to the home.

In the test, researchers achieved symmetrical broadband speeds of 1 gigabite per second over a single 70-meter long pair of copper cables, at the same time achieving up to 1 gigabyte per second for upload and download speeds, while at 30 meters Achieve 10 gigabits per second on dual pair copper wires. Alcatel-Lucent said that the symmetric broadband speeds of 1 gigabits per second is a major breakthrough in copper broadband that allows operators to use copper to provide broadband access at rates equivalent to fiber-to-the-home, making it an important commercial value.

Analysts said that the last few meters of some broadband networks are still usually copper instead of optical fibers, which is the bottleneck restricting the FTTH. If the copper broadband transmission speed and fiber equivalent, this problem can be solved.

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