Grape is one of the major cash crops in many Xinjiang regions, and its cultivation area is relatively large. In general, the major diseases and pests that endanger grape production include powdery mildew, downy mildew, gray mold, white rot, cob brown blight, brown spot, thrips, aphids, and scale insects. In recent years, it has been affected by factors such as climate anomalies and diversification of grape varieties. Grape pests and diseases have also shown aggravating trend. Therefore, in order to ensure that the platform will increase production in Europe and increase farmers' income, it is necessary for the plant protection department to use pest and disease survey statistics to conduct grape disease and pest investigations and to understand the occurrence and damage of grape diseases and pests. Yuyao Hongzhou Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. ,
When the grape enters into the fruit enlargement period or the coloring period, the advent of the rainy season will increase the risk of a large area of ​​grape downy mildew outbreak. Therefore, during this period, it is very important to do a good job of investigation of grape pests and diseases, in addition to the technical personnel to carry out timely In addition to the effective pest and disease investigation and statistics work, it is necessary to jointly conduct training on pest control technology mainly based on downy mildew for the majority of farmers in the region, and to guide the majority of farmers to actively prevent and control. Therefore, the time is very urgent and valuable, and pest and disease surveys are needed. The application of statistical devices in the investigation of grape pests and diseases not only can effectively reduce the workload of plant protection technicians, but also can obtain valuable time for the timely prevention and control of pests and diseases, and occupy the best time for prevention and control.
In recent years, with the continuous improvement of plant protection technology, grass-roots plant protection departments have also actively used pest monitoring statistics and other plant protection tools to continuously improve their plant protection level, and Xinjiang has applied pest survey statistics to investigate grape diseases and insect pests. It is possible to systematically investigate the types and damages of grape pests and diseases, and timely publish the trend forecast of pests and diseases according to the investigation situation, so as to promptly organize the majority of farmers to carry out prevention, which has played an important role in the increase of production and income of grape production.