Recently, the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has successfully developed an interface and frequency vibration spectroscopy system with sub-wave number resolution (<1 cm -1) with the support of major instrument development projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

High-resolution broadband sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (HR-BB-SFG-VS) is a frontier spectroscopy technique for the study of intermolecular interactions in the interface.

The instrument final test indicators meet or exceed the original design parameters. Its half-width of the femtosecond infrared pulse is greater than 250 wavenumbers, which can cover the infrared range above 400 wavenumbers at one time, and the spectral resolution reaches 0.4 wavenumbers, which is better than the same type of equipment parameters reported in the world. Compared with the traditional femtosecond wideband and Spectral resolution of the frequency spectrum 10-20 wave number has been greatly improved.

The instrument can be used to measure the gas-liquid interface, gas-solid interface, supramolecular chiral interface, biofilm interface molecular vibrational spectroscopy, molecular orientation structure and kinetics.

Sphingolipids are an important part of the plasma membrane. The interaction between Ca2 + and sphingomyelin has been a subject of great concern in the life sciences.

The researchers studied the effect of Ca2 + on the structure and orientation of the monolayer of sphingomyelin (ESM) by using high-resolution broadband and frequency vibrational spectroscopy, and proposed the molecular mechanism of the interaction between Ca2 + and ESM ( Figure 1) provides an experimental basis for further understanding of the molecular mechanism of nerve cell signaling and the mechanism of influence of electrolytes on nerve conduction in vivo.

This work is the first in the world to study phospholipid systems using high-resolution broadband and frequency-vibration spectroscopy, demonstrating the ability of the technology to study complex systems. Relevant research results recently published in Biophysical Journal, Volume 112, Issue 10, 2017, p2173 2183, was recommended for editing Featured Article.

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