Mobile chipset manufacturer MediaTek Inc. has announced that handsets with 4G networks and MT6595 eight-core processors will be available at the end of this year in India. It is understood that the chip system was released in February 2014 and uses the ARM Little Architecture, which has four ARM Cortex A17 cores and four Cortex A7 cores. The SoC system supports four types of dual-mode LTE.
MediaTek Financial's Dr Barremo Inihan stated that MediaTek is focused on providing a full range of 4G LTE platforms. Our 4G LTE solution supports all modes, including TDD-LTE, because Indian infrastructure providers are currently focused on TDD in China. - On the LTE network. The products based on the processor will come to India by the end of this year, and the deployment of the LTE network in the country in the first quarter or the second quarter of 2015 will have been completed.
It is reported that MediaTek India has also proposed market expansion. It has announced an investment of 200 million U.S. dollars and the company has also launched a new R&D center in Bangalore, India. The company said that in addition to the LTE capabilities of the SoC, the handset also features a WQXGA display, 20 megapixels of image processing capability, and 802.11ac Wi-Fi and 4.0LE Bluetooth.

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