According to the latest news, HTC Electronics announced on Wednesday the renewable energy camera-periscope-shaped 16MPGOPRO camera. The latest camera can record 1080p video and used for time-lapse photography. It can also record high-definition slow-motion video at a rate of 0.25 per second. The camera includes a 146-degree wide-angle lens and anti-shake software, and built a waterproof design.
Although the camera is directly involved in the market competition, HTC does not intend to use the camera in action and sports. HTC President Jason Kenzimai stated that because we didn’t see many people wanting to move around using GOPRO's cameras in their lives, we saw a new opportunity for this new device. We used it for people’s rest time and put it Looks like a modern version of the old flip video camera.
It is reported that Jason Kenzimai also said on the blog that HTC’s renewable energy camera is portable. Not only that, the camera of renewable energy only needs to hold the camera, but only if you can press the shutter button and you can shoot it. A photo or long press to record a video. Pressing the only other button on the subject activates slow-motion mode. The Renewable Energy app is available for Android and iOS devices, allowing users to automatically view photos and videos. Users can also use the device as a viewfinder, and renewable energy does not have its own screen. The camera is available in white, blue-green, orange and dark blue. The camera costs $199.

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