Measuring principle:

The instrument is designed according to the flow velocity area measurement principle of the open channel flow measurement, and the flow rate can be obtained by measuring the flow rate. Q=V·S (S is the sectional area)

1. Flow rate measurement:

When measuring the flow rate, the propeller-type rotor current meter is rotated by the water and the built-in signal device generates a revolution number signal. The flow rate is calculated by the following formula:


V=———————— + C( m/s )


Where: V: mean flow velocity ( m/s ) during the measurement period

K: blade hydraulic pitch C: flow meter constant

T: duration of flow (in units of S) N: number of signals in period T

When the instrument is used, K and C are all constants. When measuring the flow, T and N can be measured to determine the flow rate.

2. Flow calculation:

Flow rate measurement According to the flow velocity area measurement method for open channel flow, the flow rate is first multiplied by the area of ​​the cross section to obtain the flow rate.

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