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I. Overall Economic Operation Status The overall economic operation status is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Economic Operation Status of National Industrial Automation Control Device Industry from January to October in 2015
——The 11 economic operating indicators were better than the previous year in terms of sales revenue and financial expense ratio, while the other 9 were worse than the previous year. Sales revenue reached 269.758 billion yuan, up 4.97% year-on-year (up 0.61 percentage point from January to August) and a net increase of 12.766 billion yuan. The growth rate of 14 provinces and cities was higher than the industry average, of which net increase in Jiangsu Province was 11.368 billion yuan. (89.20%). The total profit realized was 204.04 billion yuan, which was -0.53% year-on-year, and the growth rate of 12 provinces and cities was higher than the industry average.
- The net increase in total profit was -109 million yuan, the profit contribution from the main industry was 673.19%, and the contribution from other profits was -573.19% (see Figure 1). Compared with January-September, the negative growth of total profits narrowed by 3.62 percentage points, the contribution of main industry profits to negative total growth increased from 169.96% to 673.19%, and the negative growth of main industry profits was the main reason for negative profit growth (see Figure 2).
- Gross profit increased by 3.567 billion yuan, which contributed -485.56% to negative profit growth of the main industry, and the contribution of cost growth during the period was 585.56% (Figure 3). The contribution of sales revenue growth to gross profit growth is 62.35%, and the contribution rate of gross margin increase is 37.65% (down 1.67 percentage points from January to September).
——The contribution of sales revenue growth to sales cost growth is 115.43%, and the decrease in cost rate contribution to sales cost growth is -15.43%. The increase in sales revenue contributed 30.40% to the period cost increase, and the contribution to the increase in the period expense rate was 69.60% (see Figure 4).
Figure 1. Analysis of total profit volatility during the period of January-October 2015 in the industrial automation control system industry in China
Figure 2. Comparing month-to-month growth of state-of-the-art total profit of industrial automatic control system devices from January to October 2015
Fig. 3 Analysis of profit fluctuation of main industry from January to October in 2015 of the industrial automation control system device industry in China
Fig. 4. Costs and expenses fluctuation analysis of the industrial automation control device industry in the country from January to October 2015. 2. Comparison of major provinces and cities. 1. Comparison of sales revenue growth and proportion of major provinces and cities in the industrial automation system installation industry from January to October 2015.
2. Comparing the increase in sales revenue and proportion of major provinces and cities in industrial automation control system installations from January to October 2015
3. Comparing the growth of total profit of major provinces and cities in the industrial automation system installation industry from January to October 2015
4. Comparing the profitability of major provinces and cities in the industrial automation system installation industry from January to October 2015
5. Comparing the export delivery values ​​of major provinces and cities in the industrial automatic control system installation industry from January to October 2015
3. Comparing Shanghai, China, and Jiangsu's counterparts 1. Comparison of profit structure, main industry profit rate, and growth rate from January to October 2015
2. Comparing the growth of total profits from January to October in 2015
3. Comparing the average sales scale of enterprises from January to October in 2015
4. Comparison of Sales Revenue Growth in the Automation Industry from January to October 2015
5. Comparison of total profit growth in the automation industry from January to October in 2015
[China Meter Network Digital Reading Market] A few days ago, according to statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics, the economic operation of the industrial brake control system device industry during the period from January to October 2015 was in a state of volatility.