Digital lock balance valve, also known as balancing valve, static balance valve. SPF-type digital lock balance valve is a static hydraulic balance valve with equal percentage flow characteristics for concentration control, quality control and phased flow control system, when the system flow changes When each branch of the digital lock balance valve is installed, the flow of each user will be increased or decreased in proportion, and the flow distribution scheme during the initial adjustment will be maintained. Digital Locking Balance Valve also has a degree of opening and opening degree of locking function, heating and air conditioning water system in the valve, can achieve the effect of saving heat and electricity.
Oil contaminated Waste processing Plant is one of the most effecient project to process with all kinds of wastes without any second-pollution problems: we could get energy from it if there are oils or Hydrocarbon included; or there are some recycling gas as fuel for this system if there are still gases after cooled down; the rest will be mostly carbon blacks which could be sold to be further refined into N330 or N660 etc.
Waste Oil Mud Processing Machines Oil Sludge Processor,Oil Mud Pyrolysis Machines,Oil Contaminated Waste Processing Plants Henan Lanning Technology Co., Ltd ,
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