In recent years, with the rapid economic development, the consumption of mineral resources in China has increased substantially, and the supply and demand gap has continued to widen. In 2005, China’s crude oil consumption exceeded 300 million tons, steel consumption reached 400 million tons, coal consumption reached 2.14 billion tons, and the total amount of domestic exploitation of various ores exceeded 7 billion tons, importing a large amount of crude oil and iron. Ore, copper, alumina, etc. The increase in the reserves of some major mineral resources did not catch up with the increase in output. Output growth did not keep up with the increase in demand. The overall situation of mineral exploration is not optimistic. This is the view expressed by Wang Min, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources, at the 14th Mayor of Land and Resources Management Mayor Seminar held on July 3.

Wang Min believes that the main problem in the current geological work is that the mineral exploration is relatively backward and the service function is not strong. Especially in the non-oil and gas fields, the reform of the geological exploration system is progressing slowly, the public interest and commercial geological working mechanisms have not been straightened out, the vitality of geological exploration units is insufficient, the diversified investment mechanism is not perfect, the investment in geological work is not enough, and the loss of geological talent is serious. The equipment is backward, the technological support ability needs to be improved and so on. For these problems, we must take measures to seriously solve them. To do a good job in geological work in the new situation, we must fully implement the scientific concept of development in the field of geological work, make full use of two resources and two markets, base ourselves on the domestic market, make appropriate advances, highlight key points, improve the system, and rely on science and technology. It is necessary to grasp key breakthroughs in key areas.

Wang Min stated that it is necessary to take key mineral exploration as a breakthrough point and form a new batch of resources to replace the base as soon as possible. He said that important mineral exploration is related to national economy and people's livelihood. Resource exploration should follow the distribution of resources and geology work rules, clear the main attack direction. In recent years, the Ministry of Land and Resources has organized expert demonstrations and analyzed economic needs and metallogenic geological conditions, based on which 16 key minerals, 11 major petroliferous basins, 13 large coal bases, and 16 Important metal mineralization zone. At present, it is necessary to place oil and natural gas and other energy resources explorations in a prominent position, focus on the development of major oil and gas basins on land and sea, speed up large-scale coal base surveys and necessary detailed investigations, and do a good job in exploration of unconventional energy sources, and strive to be in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period. During the period, there was a new breakthrough in energy exploration and there was a new increase in resource reserves. Non-energy mineral exploration should also focus on the main exploration of iron, copper, aluminum, and potassium salts to form new reserves. At the same time, it is necessary to speed up the exploration of replacement resources for crisis mines and resource-exhausted cities.

Wang Min also pointed out that the government can play a multi-faceted role in commercial mineral exploration: First, carry out non-profit geological work; Second, actively nurture and expand the main body of commercial exploration; Third, cultivate and regulate the mining rights market, mineral exploration capital market and Intermediary market; Fourth, rectify and standardize the market order of exploration, protect and explore the legitimate rights and interests of investors, create a favorable external environment for geological exploration, and in the current situation where the commercial mineral exploration market is less developed, the energy and other risks of exploration are high. Important mineral resources, the establishment of geological exploration funds, the government appropriate increase in preliminary exploration efforts to stimulate investment in commercial mineral exploration; Fifth, to expand open to the outside world, encourage the "imported" and "going out."

Wang Min also stated that due to the non-renewability of mineral resources, in the future, the State will, in accordance with the requirements of the “Decision of the State Council on Strengthening Geological Work,” vigorously promote the system of paid use of resources, further improve the system of paid acquisition of mining rights, and improve the system of paid mining of mineral resources.

Wang Min said that in the future, the distribution of mineral resources will be rationalized. While adhering to the ownership of mineral resources, and taking into consideration the interests of the central and local governments, mining rights holders, and the local people, in accordance with the “exploration of mining, the development of compensation protection, the cost reflects safety, the price reflects scarcity, the market is open and fair, and the enterprises advance and retreat in an orderly manner. The idea, together with the relevant departments, is how to dispose of the mining rights that have been acquired for free in the history of the mining enterprises, adjust the use fees for mineral rights for exploration rights, implement the floating rate policy for resource compensation fees, establish mine environmental governance and ecological restoration responsibility mechanisms, etc. Problems, forming a set of reform opinions.

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