As part of the industry revitalization plan, the “automobile to the countryside” policy has triggered a series of chain effects in the mainland market, which, while stimulating local car sales, has also helped boost domestic demand to a considerable extent. However, in the Dongguan market, commercial vehicles favored by the industry, such as light trucks and micro-customers, have not yet “turned over” from the trough at the beginning of the year. Under the “self-rescue” of dealers and manufacturers, the light truck market is fluctuating. Slow recovery.

Light truck sales are volatile

“I think that in the current economic environment, the light-duty season of the light truck market may have to be re-arranged.” When talking about the rebound of commercial vehicle sales in the recent period, Li Weihong, the managing director of Junyu Motors, jokingly said something. According to Li’s introduction, according to past practice, the commercial vehicle sales season is March and April after the Spring Festival each year. In June and July, it is the off-season as the passenger vehicle. However, this year’s difference is after the Spring Festival. Many dealers did not usher in an imaginary increase in sales. Instead, in June, which did not have much hope, almost all brands ushered in a “bumpy harvest.” “The increase in the number of dealers in China in June was about It has reached 30%,” said Luo Tianpei, general manager of Jiangling Qingling dealers Zhaoqing Motors, who was surprised by the “abnormal” growth in June. The good times are not always there. After entering the market in July, dealers found that the sales volume that had not been easy to go up has declined again. “You can hold on in the first half of the month, and you can basically maintain the same data as the same period in June, but it will appear in the second half of the month. Repeatedly, the sales volume has decreased significantly.” Although Li Weihong has policies to support, but in the context of unstable economic conditions, the market has experienced repeated fluctuations. "Although it is not very stable, the average is still better than the trough at the beginning of the year." Luo Tianpei thinks the market is in a state of slow recovery.

Market recovery depends on "self-help"

For the current situation, most dealers in Dongguan believe that the current short-term recovery state, government policy support is only a "prime", many car dealers rely on their own through marketing for performance. In fact, since the implementation of the automobile-to-country policy in March this year, a large number of car companies have joined the tide of going to the countryside. However, more car companies have only stayed in the promotional slogans of promotional activities and online channels. Some people in the industry pointed out that the enterprises in the countryside cannot rely on the “Heaven” to eat. How to use the policy and make the policy work to its maximum effectiveness is the key.

Luo Peipei said in an interview with reporters that sales growth in June mainly relied on the launch of a new car, the Jiangling 100P, using a logistics association to hold lectures to conduct a centralized public relations campaign. This led to a situation in which sales “explosion” occurred. In addition, the adjustment of the product structure also has a pull for sales." Luo Tianpei said that the newly-listed Jiangling 100P is 10,000 to 20,000 yuan less in price than the old model. This number is a temptation for consumers and it must be a certainty. The degree stimulated sales growth.

The other main brand of light truck Nanjing Iveco, through the update of the product, introduced products such as City Express King to solve the puzzles in the logistics express companies into the city difficult problems, in order to drive sales. At the same time, the company also carried out the “Get Rich to Leap into the Village” campaign, which opened up a new model of “Going to the countryside with a multi-pronged approach and one of the best” to the countryside. It is understood that at present, Nanjing Iveco's first ever-rich Yuejin Village has been established in Linyi Dayitang Village, Linyi, Shandong, and other areas of Yuejin Village are also under intense preparation for construction. It is estimated that by the end of the year, 100 Yuejin Village will be built.

"Cars go to the countryside" has a limited role in Dongguan

The policy of "cars going to the countryside" where the media's hype is rampant is still quiet in the Dongguan market. "To tell the truth, this policy sounds good for our products, but in fact we have not yet benefited from it. Li Weihong said that due to policy requirements, applying for subsidies requires restrictions on rural household registration and redemption of new cars. Due to the small population of rural residents in Dongguan, the characteristics of buying new cars are mostly new residents, making this policy a weak operation in Dongguan. "Tasteless", "Everyone knows that the application procedure is troublesome, so no customer is asked when buying a car." Nanjing Iveco directly bypassed the tedious procedures for applying for subsidies and directly announced that consumers who purchased the Yuejin Light Truck not only obtained direct subsidies provided by the state. In addition, an additional cash subsidy of RMB 3,000 can be obtained from Nanjing Iveco.

Luo Tianpei, general manager of Zhaoqing Motors, is also optimistic about this policy. "Anyway, we have already hung up the propaganda banner at the storefront and wait and see waiting for the government to issue further implementation details. Many of our customers are also watching." Luo Tianpei believes that if the commercial vehicle market is to achieve a complete "turnaround" in the second half of the year, the implementation of the "car to the countryside" policy will become a very crucial variable.

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