Recently, a set of nickel-cobalt smelting co-produced ammonium sulfate project designed and constructed by South Africa has been successfully delivered. It is understood that the ammonium sulphate design and construction and warehousing contracts in the joint production of ammonium sulphide smelter ammonium sulphate project were approved in 2007. The ammonium sulphate crystallization technology was designed by the sister company of VWS Envig, using the US HPD technology, and the HPD technology is specifically applied to the crystallization and evaporation part of the metal smelting process. According to reports, the crystallization plant uses three stages of steam crystallization, ammonium sulphate crystals are separated by a slurry pump and a screen, then dried in a rotary drying oven, and unsuitable particles are returned to the processing equipment. If running smoothly, the device can produce 25 tons of ammonium sulfate crystals per hour.

Plasma Stainless Steel Polishing Machine

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Dongguan Bayi Automation Equipment Co., Ltd ,

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