On December 2, 2010, Weichai Group's 2011 annual business conference was held in Jinan Shandong Building. Nearly 2,000 dealers, service providers, partners and news media from home and abroad attended the conference. The theme of this conference directly adopted the Weichai Group's strategic goal statement, which is “challenging the global first goal”. This demonstrates Weichai Group’s clear strategic plan and firm market ambition.

Under the banner of challenging the global first goal, Weichai Group proposes clear strategic positioning and goals for the next five to ten years. In the next five to ten years, Weichai Group will be built into an international enterprise group that is driven by complete vehicles and complete machines and whose power has always been the core technology, and has developed into an important global equipment manufacturing industry with unique characteristics. According to the strategy of the Weichai Group, the group will achieve 150 billion yuan by 2015 and 200 billion yuan by 2020.

In 2010, Weichai Group once again achieved brilliant market performance. From January to November 2010, Weichai Group achieved sales revenue of 81 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 63%; and profits and taxes of 11.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 98%. It is expected that the sales revenue for 2010 will be expected to exceed 85 billion yuan, and the annual sales of various types of engines will exceed 750,000 units, an increase of 102% over the same period of last year, and a doubling increase. It is expected to achieve sales revenue of 45 billion yuan, further consolidating the world's largest high-speed high-power The position of the engine supplier; sales and sales of Fast transmission gearboxes from January to November 2010 have exceeded 10 billion. It is estimated that the annual production and sales income will reach 12 billion yuan, and the production and sales of transmissions will exceed 850,000, which has become the first in the Chinese gear industry. The company has over 10 billion yuan of home; Hande Axle expects to produce and sell 400,000 axles of all types in 2010, an increase of 165% year-on-year.

In addition, the commercial vehicle segment Shaanxi Auto Heavy Duty Truck is expected to exceed 100,000 units in sales for the full year, an increase of 118% year-on-year, ranking the first in the industry; the parts and components segment is expected to generate revenue of 7 billion yuan. It is expected that by 2011, the Weichai Group's annual operating revenue will exceed the 100 billion mark, and achieve the desired target two years ahead of schedule, in which the production and sales of engines will exceed one million units. Faced with the good industry expectations for the future, the overall goal of the Weichai Group is gradually approaching. For a long time, especially since October 2009, the market demand for all types of engines of the Weichai Group has continued to prosper.

Some analysts pointed out that in the next 10 years, the domestic demand for large and medium-displacement diesel engines will continue to be high. This will provide a favorable market environment for Weichai's engine business. In addition, the domestic heavy truck market is still expected to have large room for growth. At present, the domestic heavy truck capacity has reached 1.5 million, but the analysis believes that by the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan, this figure will exceed 3 million, Shaanxi Automobile will rely on the Group's gold industry chain. The advantage of further expanding market share. At the same time, the high-speed development of Shaanxi Auto will also promote the synergy between the engine, Fast Transmission, Hande Axle, and parts and components. According to relevant industry data, during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, passenger cars, construction machinery, ships and other markets will continue to multiply on the existing basis, which will surely play an active role in ensuring the overall goals of the Group.

During the past 12 years, Weichai Group's sales revenue has increased from 500 million yuan to 85 billion yuan. From a loss of 300 million yuan to a profit of more than 8 billion yuan, the company has become one of the strongest equipment manufacturing groups in China. Throughout this extraordinary development process, this is the result of continuous optimization and adjustment of the Weichai Group's structure and the realization of sustainable development through optimization.

In particular, since the international financial crisis in 2008, Weichai Group has not only not been affected by it, but has achieved rapid growth by leaps and bounds in the past two years. The core of the study is that Weichai Group has firmly grasped the strategic thinking of changing the way and adjusting the structure. Relying on the independent innovation capability of the company, in the domestic market, Weichai Group firmly seized the opportunity of industrial optimization and upgrading. In the international arena, Weichai Group made full use of the recession period, on the one hand, it conducted a strategic bottom-sheet M&A, and on the other Seizing talents, markets, and other advantageous resources and expanding its own strength has laid a solid foundation for Weichai Group to become an important pole in the international equipment manufacturing industry.

In Weichai Group's view, the first goal of challenging the world is not the extensive growth of extensive amounts, but the connotative growth of sustainability. To this end, Weichai Group proposed six major projects including talents first, structural adjustment, product platform upgrades, internationalization, information enhancement, and system and mechanism innovation, focusing on product structure and market structure adjustments, and highlighting the strength of technological R&D. Accelerate the process of information excellence and internationalization.

Weichai Group will continue to actively adjust its structure and balance the development of powertrains, commercial vehicles, and parts and components. Among them, the engine business segment must create a global leading, full-series, full-field power supplier, build a million-dollar, one-billion-level green power R&D and manufacturing base, with product capacity covering 2-620L, power coverage of 30-10000 hp, and extensive It is used in commercial vehicles, construction machinery, passenger cars, ships, yachts, power generation, agricultural machinery and other fields, and strives to achieve sales revenue of 50 billion yuan in 2012, 80 billion yuan in 2015, 100 billion yuan in 2020, and comprehensive strength among the global engine The top two in the industry challenge the world's first. The heavy-duty gearbox will have 1 million units in 2012 and 1.2 million units in 2015, which will be the first in the world. In 2015, the automatic transmission will form a mass production capacity, and the mini-diesel and gasoline transmission assembly will reach 300,000 to 500,000 units. In the commercial vehicle segment, Shaanxi Heavy Duty Truck Heavy Duty Trucks ensured 150,000 vehicles in 2011, 200,000 vehicles in 2015, and strived to produce and sell 250,000 vehicles in 2020. In the parts and components sector, in accordance with the principles of “transformation mechanism, integration of resources, advancement and retreat, and key development”, we will promote the implementation of structural optimization and adjustment, integrate business resources, and study components and parts from a strategic perspective to realize the transition to higher value-added manufacturing. Efforts have been made to master the core technologies and enhance the competitiveness of the Group's core components.

At the site, nearly 2,000 square meters of product display, Weichai exhibited a wealth of engine products, powertrain products, commercial vehicles and parts and components products, a large number of comparable to a grand industry expo, and more importantly, Most of these products made their debut. According to reports, Weichai's product exhibition will be different from the past. The exhibits in this exhibition are mainly for the Twelfth Five-Year Plan and future applications. Except for the larger scale, the most important thing is that these exhibits basically represent the current industry. The highest level of technology, and Weichai has its own intellectual property rights.

In the field of 10-12L heavy truck engines, the Weichai Blue Engine II engine is fully integrated with the cutting-edge technology of the internal combustion engine in the world today. It has reached international advanced level in terms of economy, power, reliability and comfort, and it has reached the national IV and national level through independent research and development. The requirements of V emissions regulations; At the same time, relying on the accumulation of long-term experience and integration of cutting-edge technologies, Weichai has independently developed a 5-7L engine, which is mainly targeted at passenger cars, construction machinery, and medium- and heavy-duty trucks. It effectively extended the product line of the Group and gradually formed technology and scale. Advantage.

Weichai has acquired world-leading technologies in sub-sectors such as Italian VM company 2-4L, France Bauduen 16L, and German Man company 3000-10000 hp respectively through reorganization and acquisition, technology introduction and joint venture cooperation. Light commercial vehicles, yachts, ships, power generation, construction machinery and many other fields can be applied. In addition, Weichai integrated the advantages of the integrated industrial chain to innovate. In addition to further optimizing and upgrading the heavy-card gold chain consisting of Weichai Engine, Hande Axle, Fast Transmission System, etc., Weichai is also actively building the total power of construction machinery. In combination with the gold chain, it also lays the core advantages in the field of commercial vehicles and construction machinery.

Weichai's outstanding achievements are derived from continuous innovation and generous investment in technology research and development. Since the 11th Five-Year Plan, Weichai Group has accumulated 37 new product developments, and has successively successfully developed a high-power, high-speed diesel engine with complete independent intellectual property rights that meets the National III, National IV, and National V emission standards in China. The main technical indicators and international Advanced horizontal connection. A total of 1,710 special accessory products were developed. The proportion of new product output value to total output value rose from 45% at the end of the “Tenth Five-year Plan” to the current 58%. He has hosted and participated in 10 national "863 projects" and scientific and technological research projects, obtained 577 patents for product and technology authorization, and completed 10 new product identifications above the provincial level. At the end of last year, Weichai was named the first batch of "independent and innovative model enterprises" by the China Enterprise Confederation.

It is reported that during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, Weichai Group has initially planned more than 10 billion yuan for technology research and development. Of this, 2 billion yuan will be used for the construction of national-level product technology centers and laboratories; 5 billion yuan will be used for future product R&D and technology upgrades, and an international industrial park will be built. In addition, the new energy and power industry alliance for commercial vehicles and construction machinery, jointly approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and jointly developed by 18 companies, including Weichai united industrial companies, technical universities, and test institutions, has begun operations. At the same time, Weichai has increased the construction of international R&D centers and the introduction of world-class technical talents, and is now advancing toward world-class technology-dominant enterprises.

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