In November, industrial production continued to grow steadily. The value-added of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 13.3% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 5.9 percentage points lower than the same period of last year and was 0.2 percentage points higher than that of the previous month. From January to November, the industrial added value above designated size increased by 15.8% year-on-year.
Light industrial production remained stable, and the growth rate of heavy industry production accelerated. In November, the value-added of light industry increased by 12.7% year-on-year, 0.2 percentage points lower than that of the previous month; heavy industry rose by 13.6%, which was 0.4 percentage point higher than the previous month. From January to November, the added value of light and heavy industries increased by 13.6% and 16.7% respectively.
The growth rate of the raw material industry picked up slightly. In November, the value-added of raw materials industry increased by 10.6% year-on-year, which was 0.4% faster than the previous month. Among them, the value-added of the metallurgical industry increased by 7.2%, which was 0.3% higher than that of last month; the output of crude steel was 50.17 million tons, an increase of 4.8% from the same period last year, and the average daily output was 1.67 million tons, an increase of 3.1% compared with the previous period. The non-ferrous industry increased by 8.3%, an increase of 2.3 percentage points from the previous month. The output of ten non-ferrous metals was 2.69 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 1.9%, refined copper was up 4.5% year-on-year, and electrolytic aluminum output was down 14.1%. The value-added of the petrochemical industry increased by 10.6%, of which, the chemical industry increased by 11.7%, which was 1.8 percentage points lower than the previous month. Crude oil processing volume increased by 10.3%, of which diesel production increased by 13.7%; ethylene production increased by 29.3%. The added value of the building materials industry increased by 18.6%, which was an acceleration of 0.9% from the previous month. The output of cement and flat glass increased by 17.3% and 6.6% respectively.
The growth rate of the equipment industry has been markedly accelerated. In November, the value-added of the equipment industry increased by 18.3% year-on-year, 1.8 percentage points faster than the previous month. According to statistics from the Automobile Industry Association, 1.75 million vehicles were produced during the month, a year-on-year increase of 26.1% and an increase of 13.7%. Among other major products, the output of large and small tractors increased by 31.4% and 32.4% year-on-year, the output of medium-sized tractors decreased by 11.1%, the output of excavators and loaders increased by 59.6% and 32.3% respectively, and the compaction machinery decreased by 33.5%; metal cutting The growth rate of machine tools was 44.9%, and the output of metal forming machines was the same as that of the same period of last year.
The consumer goods industry operates smoothly. In November, the added value of consumer goods industry increased by 14.3% year-on-year, which was the same as last month. Among them, the light industry and the textile industry increased by 15.7% and 11.8% respectively, which was an increase of 1 and 0.3 percentage points from the previous month. Among the main products, dairy products increased by 14%; refrigerators, washing machines and electric water heaters increased by 29%, 23.7% and 33.8%; furniture, machine-made paper and paperboard increased by 23.1% and 8.8% respectively; yarn, cloth and clothing production increased by 9.8 respectively. %, 23.1% and 16.6%. The tobacco industry grew by 10.9%, a drop of 7.3% from the previous month. The pharmaceutical industry grew by 13.9%, down 1.4% from the previous month.
The electronic manufacturing industry grew steadily and rapidly. In November, the value-added of electronic manufacturing increased by 14%, which was 0.8 percentage point higher than that of the previous month. Among the major products, microcomputer equipment increased by 5.7%, of which notebook computers grew by 1.3% and mobile phones increased by 22.5%; color TVs decreased by 2.7%, of which LCD TVs increased by 11.6%.
The growth rate of high-energy-consuming industries rebounded slightly. In November, the value added of the six high-energy-consuming industries increased by 9.6% year-on-year, 0.3 percentage points higher than the previous month, and the rebound rate was 0.1% higher than that of all industries; among them, the nonferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry, ferrous metal smelting and rolling plus Industry increased by 7.5% and 4.9% respectively, an acceleration of 1.1 and 0.3 percentage points from the previous month; non-metallic mineral products industry increased by 18%, an increase of 1 percentage point from the previous month; petroleum processing coking and nuclear fuel processing industry increased by 10%, compared with the previous month. Accelerated by 3.1 percentage points; electricity and heat production and supply industry increased by 7.1%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points from the previous month; chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing increased by 11%, down 2.3 percentage points from the previous month. From January to November, the value added of the six high-energy-consuming industries increased by 13.8% year-on-year, which was lower than the growth rate of all industries by 2%.
Production in the eastern, central and western regions has accelerated at different levels. In November, the industrial added value of the eastern, central and western regions increased by 12.1%, 16.1%, and 14.5% year-on-year, respectively, which was 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 percentage points higher than the previous month. Among major industrial provinces, Jiangsu, Shandong, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Henan, and Liaoning increased by 14.1%, 12%, 15.7%, 13.6%, 16.8%, and 15.9%, respectively. From January to November, the industrial added value of the eastern, central and western regions increased by 15%, 18.5%, and 15.4%, respectively.
The growth rate of industrial product exports fell. In November, the export delivery value of industrial products increased by 20.8% year-on-year, 0.9 percentage points lower than the previous month. Export value of light industry exports increased by 27.3% year-on-year, an acceleration of 2.2 percentage points from the previous month, the textile industry increased by 17.9%, an acceleration of 1.8 percentage points from the previous month; the machinery industry increased by 26.4%, unchanged from the previous month; the electronics industry increased by 16.9% , 3.2 percentage points lower than the previous month.
The growth rate of power generation continues to fall. In November, the output of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 5.6% year-on-year, 0.3 percentage points lower than the previous month. From January to November, the cumulative increase in power generation was 14%.

Steel Pipe Mould

A concrete pipe mould is a tool used to create cylindrical concrete pipes of various sizes and shapes. It is typically made of steel or cast iron and consists of two or more sections that can be bolted together to form a complete mould. The inside surface of the mould is typically smooth to ensure a uniform finish on the concrete pipe. The mould is filled with wet concrete, which is allowed to cure and harden, resulting in a durable and long-lasting pipe that can be used for a variety of purposes, including drainage, irrigation, and sewage systems.

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Taizhou Amitycare International Co.,Ltd. ,

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