On September 27, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the State Administration of Work Safety, and the State Food and Drug Administration jointly issued the "Announcement on Strengthening the Management of Internet Precursor Chemicals Sales Information", which will further strengthen Internet precursor chemicals. The supervision of sales information prevents unlawful persons from using the Internet to illegally sell precursor chemicals.
The "Announcement" clarifies that strict information dissemination is allowed. Any unit that publishes information on sales of non-pharmaceutical precursor chemicals on the Internet shall have a business license, a non-pharmaceutical precursor chemical production or business license, or a record Qualified materials; prohibits individuals from publishing information on non-pharmaceutical precursor chemicals on the Internet; and prohibits any unit or individual from publishing pharmaceutical precursor chemicals sales information on the Internet.
After the issuance of the "Announcement," the state will intensify the review. With regard to the information on the sales of precursor chemicals already available on the Internet, public security agencies will promptly clean up with the relevant departments according to law. If the website sponsor finds that the information contains sales information of precursor chemicals that are obviously in violation of rules, it should be promptly deleted and reported to the local regulatory authority.

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