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On the reduction of ore loss due to problems caused by left between columns, using the experience of Explosive Transportation Zhongtiaoshan Hujiayu copper mine worthy of attention (as shown), mine was the stope height is reduced from 40 ~ 50m to 20 ~ 25m (that is, divided into sections and back and forth), the mining ratio increased from about 8m to about 13m , and the unit cost increased by 0.6 yuan. However, the loss of the pillar is reduced from 50 to 67% to 35% . Secondly, without leaving the column and continuous mouth mining, the ore loss caused by the field column is eliminated, and the cutting ratio is also reduced.
Explosive force migration and mining solved the problem of stope movement of ore body with inclination angle of 30°~50° , but the inter-column and top column left by the explosive force to move the mining site are not easy to recover, and the explosive consumption of the collapsed mine is more than that. Large, sloping patio rock drilling is difficult. Therefore, explosive force transport is only used under certain conditions.