“The more economically down-graded environment, the more able to test the strength of a company. We must take the initiative to meet the challenges, emancipate our minds and sharpen reforms, and turn Weichai into the most innovative, most innovative, most dynamic market internationalization. Enterprise group.” Chairman of the board of directors Tan Xuguang made the above request to the entire group at the Shandong Heavy Industry's economic operation analysis conference in the first half of 2014 held in early August.

Tan Xuguang, Chairman of Shandong Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd.
Tan Xuguang, Chairman of Shandong Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd.

Since the beginning of this year, China’s economic growth has slowed down significantly, and the industry’s situation is not optimistic. Under this background, Shandong Heavy Industry Group achieved double growth in operating income and profits. In the first half of the year, the consolidated operating revenue increased by 8.9% year-on-year, and profit increased by 7.7%; Weichai Group consolidated operating revenue by 13% year-on-year and profit growth by 9%; Power consolidated operating income increased by 13.4% year-on-year, and profit increased by 10%.

Although the performance is steady and progressing, the idea of ​​thinking at risk in times of peace has always been rooted in the depths of the minds of Weichai people. After analysing the current economic situation inside and outside the industry, Tan Xuguang emphasized that the theme of development and reform must be built to create the most innovative, most innovative and most dynamic market-oriented international enterprise group.

Tan Xuguang said that overall, Shandong Heavy Industry Group is one of the best-developed companies in the industry, fully embodying strong competitiveness. However, the unbalanced development of the various business segments of the Group remains prominent. We must assess the situation, accurately judge the changes in the economic situation, and be prepared to respond to various challenges. To think more difficultly, the response measures are more in place. Adversity has brought about great changes. In the face of the current situation, we must firmly believe in winning confidence and keep the entrepreneurial passion of the officers. We must strictly implement budgets to effectively prevent and control business risks. We must dig deeper to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and improve the quality of operation and management; we must persist in innovation-driven, Create product competitive advantage.

2014 was the "reform year" of the Heavy Industry Group. On June 30th, the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government promulgated the Opinions on Deepening State-owned Enterprise Reform and Perfecting the State-owned Assets Management System of the Province, marking the official pull of the state-owned enterprise reform in Shandong Province. Open the curtain. Focusing on how to build Shandong Heavy Industry into an internationalized enterprise group with the most reform spirit, the most innovative ability, and the most market vitality, Tan Xuguang also proposed at the meeting: "To speed up the diversification of property rights and establish a state-owned capital investment and operating company. We will work hard to improve the corporate governance structure of the company, improve the professional manager system, and establish a long-term incentive and restraint mechanism. We will intensify reforms, improve safeguard measures, and release strong development dynamism.

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