The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a new regulatory requirement on the 6th. From January 1 next year, passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with a total design maximum mass of 3,000 tons or less must be affixed with “car fuel consumption” at the time of sale. “Mark” and indicate the fuel consumption under the three conditions of urban, suburban and comprehensive conditions detected by the designated organization.

According to the “Management Regulations for Fuel Consumption of Light Vehicles,” it is stated that the object of vehicle fuel consumption label management is a domestic automobile manufacturer and imported vehicle that has obtained the production license for automobile products, is included in the “Vehicle Production Enterprise and Product Bulletin” or has obtained an import license. Dealer.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, by labeling fuel consumption, it is convenient for consumers to select models based on their own usage expectations and with reference to fuel consumption. At present, many countries and regions, including the European Union, the United States, Japan, and South Korea, have implemented different types of vehicle fuel consumption labeling systems in accordance with their respective national conditions, and have used it as one of the pillar measures for controlling the carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption of automobiles.

The fuel consumed by cars accounts for about 40% of China's total fuel consumption. In 2008, China's auto sales reached 9.3 million vehicles. It is predicted that by the year of 2020, vehicle fuel consumption will be 305 million tons, and crude oil will be converted to more than 500 million tons, and vehicle fuel will become the main body of China’s new oil consumption.

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